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Residential Surveys & Valuations

Residential Valuations


  • Residential Property Valuations are required for a number of purposes.


  • If you are purchasing a property with no mortgage, you may require valuation advice to help satisfy you that the price you are paying is correct.


  • If you have purchased a property under the Government’s Help to Buy Schemes, you will need a formal valuation if you propose to sell the property.


  • Shared Equity / Shared Ownership purchase schemes often require a formal valuation should you want to sell the property or buy additional equity/shares in the property.


  • Valuations may also be required for matrimonial, probate or Capital/Inheritance Taxation purposes. 


  • Our RICS Registered Valuer can provide affordable, quality valuations utilising local knowledge and regional understanding.


  • Whatever the rationale for requiring a valuation of residential property, The Harrower Partnership Chartered Surveyors can provide a valuation report to suit your purposes.


Surveys - General


  • Home buyers are often confused about their lender's valuation. Many still believe their valuation is a survey and is being done for their benefit. Independent research by RICS found that on average homebuyers spent £5,750 on unforeseen repairs when they moved into their new home. The vast majority will have relied on the lender's valuation only. Buying a house, whether as your home, a second home or for investment, is often the single biggest purchase that you will ever make.


  • Most people rely on a mortgage valuation when buying a home; this is  NOT  a survey and it only tells the lender the amount they should lend on the property and on what terms. A full-scale Building Survey, RICS Homebuyer Report or Condition Report will each tell you about possible problems before you are committed, although they are significantly different from each other and designed for different types / ages of property. It is important to ensure that you choose the right survey for the property.


  • The number of people who purchase a property without first obtaining a survey is quite staggering. Yet you would not purchase a car without an MOT!


  • Please see the downloads on this page which will help give you an understanding of what type of survey is best for you and the property.


Building Surveys


  • A building survey may be appropriate if the property is particularly old, extremely large, has been extensively altered/extended, is in poor condition or is a listed building.


  • A building survey does not include a valuation, however, a valuation can be provided as an additional service to the building survey if required.


Homebuyer Report


  • The Homebuyers  Report provides a broad outline of the construction and condition of the property and whilst the Report is relatively short in format compared with the Building Survey, it will provide you with a clear overview of the general condition of the building and an opinion of market value.


  • It is generally designed for properties of standard construction, of more modern age and which have not been substantially extended or altered.


  • The report is prepared in a set format and uses a traffic light system to rank the defects, in order to help provide a clear understanding of the scale of the defect / repair required. It also includes advice on maintenance tips.


Condition Survey


  • The Condition Survey is a more basic survey. It states the condition of the different elements of the property and services but does not provide information on further investigations.


  • It does not include a valuation, however, a valuation can be provided as an additional service to the Condition survey if required.


  • Whatever the rationale for requiring a survey on a property, The Harrower Partnership Chartered Surveyors can provide a suitable Survey report to suit your purposes.


Leasehold Enfranchisement Valuations


  • In 2015, the way that lending institutions looked at leases changed, resulting in an alteration in the way that long leases with an unexpired term of less than 85 years are valued.


  • This can detrimentally impact upon the value of your property.


  • If you are the owner of a long leasehold interest you may have a right to enfranchise, i.e. purchase the reversionary freehold interest or to buy a lease extension. Your solicitor can provide you with further advice on whether you are entitled to enfranchise/lease extension and if this is an option, you will require a formal valuation. This will enable you to either purchase the reversionary freehold interest or negotiate with the freeholder for an extended lease term.


  • The Harrower Partnership can act for both Leaseholders and Freeholders, (but not simultaneously); we are aware of the issues from both sides and seek to arrive at a conclusion which recognises both parties' strengths and weaknesses.



For FREE initial advice or to request a Survey, Telephone 01726 833438
Regulated by RICS
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